Our Work
The Georgia Social Impact Collaborative (GSIC) was founded in the fall of 2016 to develop a diverse and connected statewide ecosystem of stakeholders focused on investing in sustainable social outcomes. Through a comprehensive set of educational and engagement programming, GSIC brings together public and private sector investors, social entrepreneurs, nonprofits and leaders of all kinds to inspire the use of creative capital to address wide ranging social and racial inequities in Georgia.
Beginning with an exhaustive data collection process and creation of the Ecosystem Map, over the past four years GSIC’s dedicated volunteers have built a network of over 1,000 stakeholders who have helped to scale impact investing in communities around the state. With ambitious plans to expand infrastructure, programming, engagement and networks, GSIC is preparing to launch a new 3-year growth plan to accomplish an ambitious set of goals.
Our Goals
To connect and educate Georgia’s stakeholders through inclusive, interactive convenings, educational events and information sharing.
To drive social outcomes in Georgia by inspiring increased investment in innovative solutions and social enterprises of all types.
To influence investment in social enterprises focused on scaling sustainable outcomes and achieving both social and financial returns.
Our Vision
Vision: To become a leader in the Southeastern impact economy, GSIC will promote the alignment of capital with social outcomes through a diverse, connected statewide ecosystem of stakeholders.
Mission: We will achieve this statewide vision through the following activities:
- Inspiring more mission-driven capital to sustain an economy in which everyone has the opportunity to thrive;
- Increasing the number of successful and growing impact-oriented companies;
Building awareness of the double-bottom-line returns possible through impact investing; - Strengthening a values-aligned ecosystem of connections and collaboration; and,
- Positioning Georgia as a leader in the Southeastern regional impact movement.
Our Impact
Since the fall of 2016, in an effort to build a broad and inclusive ecosystem of impact investing, GSIC has engaged nearly 1,000 individual investors, social entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, public sector officials, professional advisors and other change makers who all care about accelerating social solutions through the use of creative capital. Through educational workshops, lunch & learns, speaking events, surveys, happy hours and vigorous social media, GSIC will continue to support impact investing connections, education and innovation in Georgia.