To empower America's diverse entrepreneurs to build a thriving and equitable economy

Enabler ‒ Nonprofit Organization, Supporting Organization

Services offered to enterprises:

  • Convening
  • Networking
  • Promotion
  • Venturize Resource Hub -

Since their founding in 2005, Small Business Majority has served as a trusted hub for the resources and policies that are necessary to empower under-resourced businesses to thrive and to build a truly equitable economy. They do this by connecting small business owners with the education and resources they need to start, grow and sustain their business. they serve all entrepreneurs but focus on reaching under-resourced entrepreneurs, including women, people of color, immigrants and those in rural communities. Their three organizational initiatives are: 1. Small business education and resources: We provide a suite of educational programs and resources to small business owners, their employees and self-employed entrepreneurs to empower them to start and grow their enterprises and maximize their economic prosperity. 2. Policy & advocacy: We develop and support policies that benefit the entire small business ecosystem—ranging from boosting access to responsible capital, ensuring affordable access to quality healthcare and other essential benefits, and promoting fair competition. 3. Research & insights: We conduct wide-ranging research to understand small business owners’ needs, challenges and opportunities. Focused on uncovering the perspectives of businesses owned by people of color, women and other under-resourced entrepreneurs, we communicate our findings to policymakers, the media and other stakeholders.