5 core mission statements:
(1) To balance urban development by providing green space development.
(2) To create new natural spaces and provide a safe home for the outdoor athlete community.
(3) To build a space specifically designed for runners, hikers, yogis and rock climbers.
(4) To be the outdoor natural environment for exceptional experiences while fostering connections to others, family, self, nature and ideas.
(5) To be the outdoor social scene.
Enterprise ‒ For-Profit, Non-Profit
- Access to Finance
- Partners, Team Building
Target Populations:
- Children
- Elderly
- Families
- Urban Communities
- Women/Girls
- Youth
- High stressed, active, middle class, mental wellness, physical wellness, milestone birthdays, divorced, empty nest, widow/er, new to town, relocation, retirement
This enterprise is currently looking for capital. Investment mechanisms used and seeking:
- Award/Competition/Prize
- Debt/Loans
- Development Impact Bond
- Equity
- Government
- Guarantees
- Mission-related Investments
- Pay for Success
- Program-related Investments
- Purchase Equity
- Venture Capital